How to Let Macrium Reflect Clone Drive of Different Sizes

Learn how to use Macrium Reflect to clone drives of different sizes, addressing challenges and providing a comprehensive guide. It also introduces AOMEI Backupper as an alternative solution.

By @Jonna Last Updated February 1, 2024


In the dynamic world of data management, the need to upgrade or replace a hard drive with a different size is not uncommon. Macrium Reflect stands out as a robust solution for drive cloning, but users often face a challenge when dealing with drives of different sizes. This comprehensive guide breaks down the complexities, offering detailed steps on how to use Macrium Reflect to clone drives of different sizes successfully.

Additionally, we'll explore an alternative solution with AOMEI Backupper, providing you with a versatile toolkit for efficient drive cloning.

Navigating the Challenge: Cloning Drives of Different Sizes

Understanding the Problem

Encountering an error or difficulty while attempting to use Macrium Reflect to clone to larger SSD, especially when the target drive is of a different size, can be perplexing. This problem may arise due to various reasons that we'll dissect.

Potential Causes

Partition Size Mismatch

Differences in the size of partitions on the source and target drives can impede the cloning process.

Unallocated Space Issues

Unallocated space on the target drive may not align with the source drive, leading to cloning failures.

File System Limitations

Variances in file systems between drives can pose compatibility challenges during the cloning process.

How to Use Macrium Reflect to Clone Drive of Different Sizes

There are two solutions for how to let Macrium Reflect clone boot drive to SSD of different sizes. Choose the way you like.

Solution 1: Adjust Partition Sizes

Step 1. Launch Macrium Reflect:

Open the Macrium Reflect software on your system.

Step 2. Select Source and Target Drives:

Choose the drive you want to clone as the source and the drive with a different size as the target.

Step 3. Adjust Partition Sizes:

In the cloning wizard, manually adjust partition sizes on the target drive to match or exceed the source drive.

Step 4. Complete Cloning Process:

Follow on-screen instructions to initiate and complete the cloning process.

Step 5. Verify Results:

After cloning, verify the new drive to ensure all data transferred successfully.

Solution 2: Use Macrium Reflect's Intelligent Sector Copy

Step 1. Select Source and Target:

In the cloning wizard, choose the source and target drives.

Step 2. Enable Intelligent Sector Copy:

Enable the 'Intelligent Sector Copy' option in the advanced settings.

Step 3. Initiate Cloning:

Proceed with the cloning process, allowing Macrium Reflect to intelligently handle varying partition sizes.

Step 4. Review and Confirm:

Review the summary and confirm the settings before proceeding with the cloning operation.

AOMEI Backupper: An Alternative Cloning Solution

If you are failed to use Macrium Reflect clone smaller than original, here is how to clone with AOMEI Backupper.

Step 1. Install AOMEI Backupper:

Download and install AOMEI Backupper on your system.

Step 2. Open AOMEI Backupper:

Launch the software and choose 'Clone' then 'Disk Clone.'

Step 3. Select Source and Target:

Choose the source drive and the target drive of a different size.

Step 4. Adjust Partition Sizes:

Manually adjust partition sizes during the cloning setup using the 'Edit Partitions' function to accommodate differences.

Step 5. Initiate Cloning:

Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the cloning process with AOMEI Backupper.

FAQs About Macrium Reflect Clone Drive Different Size

Q: Can Macrium Reflect clone a larger drive to a smaller one?

A: Macrium Reflect typically allows cloning to a smaller drive, but users must ensure that the data on the source drive fits within the capacity of the target drive.

Q: Are there risks of data loss during the cloning process with Macrium Reflect?

A: While Macrium Reflect is designed to minimize risks, it's always advisable to back up important data before initiating any cloning process.

Q: Does Macrium Reflect's cloning process work for SSDs and HDDs alike?

A: Yes, Macrium Reflect's cloning process is suitable for both SSDs and HDDs, providing versatility for users with different storage configurations.

Q: Is AOMEI Backupper compatible with Macrium Reflect's clone images?

A: AOMEI Backupper has its format for backup images. While it may not directly work with Macrium Reflect's images, AOMEI Backupper offers its own set of tools for backup and restoration.

Q: Can Macrium Reflect clone dynamic disks?

A: Yes, Macrium Reflect supports cloning dynamic disks, providing users with the flexibility to clone various disk types.

Tech Terms Demystified

Unallocated Space:

Space on a drive that is not assigned to any partition and cannot be used for storage.

File System:

The structure that dictates how data is stored and retrieved on a storage device.

Intelligent Sector Copy:

A feature that copies only used sectors on a disk, optimizing the cloning process.

Tips for Efficient Drive Cloning

Regularly Update Software:

Ensure Macrium Reflect and AOMEI Backupper are updated for the latest features and compatibility.

Monitor Storage Health:

Regularly check the health of your drives to identify potential issues early.

Backup Critical Data:

Always back up crucial data before performing drive cloning operations.


Navigating the intricacies of cloning drives with different sizes demands a combination of understanding the underlying causes and employing strategic solutions. Both Macrium Reflect and AOMEI Backupper present powerful options, offering flexibility and efficiency in handling drives of varying capacities.

By following the provided steps and recommendations, you equip yourself with the knowledge to overcome challenges and seamlessly clone drives, ensuring data integrity and optimal performance. As you venture into the realm of drive management, this guide serves as your compass, guiding you through the process of letting Macrium Reflect clone drives of different sizes.