How to Merge and Unmerge Cells in Excel: A Comprehensive Guide

This detailed article provides a comprehensive exploration of methods for merging and unmerging cells in Excel, featuring step-by-step instructions and insights into the MyRecover tool for cell recovery.


By Lori / Updated on January 26, 2024

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Navigating the world of Microsoft Excel can be like exploring a vast ocean – there's always more to discover. One essential skill for any Excel navigator is understanding how to merge and unmerge cells. This guide delves deep into various methods for merging and unmerging cells, including practical, step-by-step instructions and an introduction to the innovative MyRecover tool for cell recovery.

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Methods to Merge and Unmerge Cells in Excel

1. Using Excel's Built-In Features

How to Merge Cells:

  1. Selecting Cells: Begin by selecting the adjacent cells you wish to merge. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse over the cells.
  2. Merging Options: Right-click on the highlighted cells, then choose "Merge & Center" from the context menu for centered text. Alternatively, go to the Home tab, click on the 'Merge & Center' dropdown in the Alignment group, and choose from 'Merge & Center', 'Merge Across', 'Merge Cells', or 'Unmerge Cells'.
  3. Formatting Post-Merge: After merging, you might want to adjust the cell's formatting – perhaps change the text alignment, font size, or color – to make the merged cell stand out or fit in with your overall spreadsheet design.

How to Unmerge Cells:

  1. Selecting the Merged Cell: Click on the merged cell that you wish to split back into individual cells.
  2. Unmerging: Right-click and choose "Unmerge Cells" from the context menu. Alternatively, use the 'Merge & Center' dropdown in the Home tab to select 'Unmerge Cells'.
  3. Post-Unmerge Formatting: After unmerging, it’s common to reformat the cells – adjusting text alignment or reapplying borders – to ensure they align with the rest of your data set.

2. Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Merging Cells Using Shortcuts:

  1. Select Cells: First, highlight the cells you want to merge.
  2. Merge Shortcut: Press Alt, followed by H, M, and C. This keyboard shortcut sequence triggers the 'Merge & Center' command, merging your selected cells and centering the content.

Unmerging Cells Using Shortcuts:

  1. Select Merged Cell: Click on the cell that is currently merged.
  2. Unmerge Shortcut: Press Alt, H, M, and U. This combination quickly unmerges the selected cells.

3. Merging Through Formulas


  1. Create a New Column: Start by adding a new column where you want the merged data to appear. This is crucial to avoid overwriting existing data.
  2. Enter the Formula: In the first cell of the new column, type =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1) or =TEXTJOIN(" ", TRUE, A1, B1). Here, A1 and B1 are the cell references you want to merge. Adjust these references according to your data.
  3. Apply the Formula: Drag the formula down the column to apply it to additional cells. This step merges the data from two columns into one, cell by cell.
  4. Hide Original Columns (Optional): If you want a cleaner spreadsheet, consider hiding the original columns from which you merged the data.

4. Using MyRecover for Cell Recovery

MyRecover is a powerful tool designed for recovering lost or accidentally modified cells in Excel. It's especially useful when you've merged or unmerged cells and lost important data in the process.

Recovery Steps with MyRecover:

  1. Download and Installation: First, visit the MyRecover website, download the software, and install it on your computer.
  2. Open MyRecover: Launch the application and select the problematic Excel file.
  3. Initiate Scanning: Start the scanning process in MyRecover. The software will analyze your file to find recoverable cells.
  4. Preview and Select Cells: Once the scan completes, preview the cells that can be recovered. Choose the ones you need.
  5. Start the Recovery: Click on the 'Recover' button. MyRecover will restore the selected cells. You can then save this data in a new Excel file, ensuring you don’t overwrite your original file.


Excel is a tool of immense capabilities, and mastering cell management through merging and unmerging is a key skill in leveraging its full potential. Whether you're using Excel's built-in features, keyboard shortcuts, formulas, or relying on MyRecover for when things go awry, these techniques will elevate your Excel game. Embrace the journey of learning and let Excel be the compass to your data-driven destinations.


Is there a limit to how many cells I can merge at once in Excel?

There's no specific limit to the number of cells you can merge, but remember that merging a large number of cells can make your data harder to manage and interpret.

What happens to the data in the cells when I merge them?

When you merge cells, the data in the top-left cell is retained, while the data in other cells is hidden (not deleted). It's important to consider this to avoid accidental data loss.

Does MyRecover work with all versions of Excel?

MyRecover is designed to be compatible with most versions of Excel. However, it's a good practice to check the compatibility on the MyRecover website or contact their support for confirmation.

Can I use a formula to merge cells and keep all the data visible?

Yes, using CONCATENATE or TEXTJOIN allows you to combine data from multiple cells and keep all the data visible in a new cell.

How do I avoid losing data when unmerging cells?

Data loss isn't typically an issue when unmerging cells, as the content of the merged cell remains in the upper-left cell of the original range. However, always double-check your data before and after performing such actions.

Lori · Editor
Lori receives professional technical training since joining AOMEI, and aims at helping users troubleshoot problems on data recovery and protection. She focuses on simple, efficient and practical methods, and provides professional advice. Being able to help readers and users is her ultimate goal.