Easy and Effective: Perform DiskPart Clean All Command on SSD

You can learn what is DiskPart clean all and how to perform DiskPart clean all on SSD as well as the best alternative to secure clean SSD without damage. Keep reading for more detailed information.


By Clytze Updated on December 8, 2022

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Does DiskPart Clean All Work on SSD?

When you want to clean the SSD, you can use the DiskPart command "clean" or "clean all". Both of these commands can wipe or clear a disk so that it is unallocated and uninitialized.


Because the two commands work differently, they enjoy different levels of security. Compared with Diskpart clean, Diskpart clean all has a higher security level. If you want to ensure that your data is not leaked, it is recommended to use Diskpart clean all. In fact, many users prefer to use the clean all command to securely wipe SSD/HDD.

While it is safe to use this command on SSDs, using it too frequently will reduce the life expectancy of the SSD. It's ok if you only use it once or twice a year, but frequent use is not recommended.

How to Perform DiskPart Clean All Command on SSD

The Diskpart clean all command is safer and can delete everything on the solid state drive, reducing the possibility of data recovery. You can start to execute the DiskPart clean all command on the SSD according to the graphic steps below.

Step 1. Open the elevated command prompt: click the start button, input cmd in the search box and press Enter, right-click the program and choose Run as administrator.

Step 2. In the pop-out command prompt window, type diskpart and press Enter to launch the utility.

Step 3. Type list disk and press Enter: get a list of disk numbers to select from.

Step 4. Type select disk # and press Enter: substitute # for the disk number listed that you want to run the clean all command on. Here we select disk 2.

Diskpart Clean All Command

Step 5. Type clean all and press Enter.

Step 6. When you see the “DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk” message appears, type exit and press Enter to close the elevated command prompt window.

The Best Alternative to Secure Clean SSD without Any Damage

Although the Diskpart cleanup commands enable you to effectively wipe a disk, they can sometimes prompt errors. For example, errors such as "Diskpart clean all stuck" and "Diskpart clean not working" may appear when using the Diskpart clean command. And if you're not good at wiping SSDs from Windows' command prompt, errors may occur during the operation and cause system problems. You can use a simpler and safer alternative to achieve the goal.

You can choose a safe and reliable third-party alternative tool to help you. For example, the safe and reliable disk wiping software - AOMEI Backupper Professional is a good choice. You can use it to help you achieve the goal better than DiskPart clean all command.

  • 2 wiping types: You can wipe entire disk, partitions or unallocated space according to your needs. You can also select wipe disk to delete all the partitions on the hard drive and fill every sector with zero, thus you don’t need to wipe partition on the disk one by one.
  • 4 wiping methods: It provides 4 professional wiping methods, including Fill sectors with zero, Fill sectors with random data, DoD 52220.22-M, Gutmann.
  • Multiple devices: It allows you to wipe hard drive, USB drive, SSD, SD card, etc.

Before you start the wiping process, please backup files because all data on the disk will be wiped and difficult to recover. Then follow the graphic tutorial below to operate.

Step 1. Download AOMEI Backupper Professional, install, and open it. Then click Tools > Disk Wipe.

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Disk Wipe

Step 2. Select Wipe disk and click Next.

Choose Wipe Disk

Step 3. Choose the disk you want to clean and click Next.

Wipe Disk Select Data

Step 4. On the Wiping Method page, choose Fill sectors with Zero. Then click Start to begin the zero filling process.

Disk Wiping Methods


  • Fill sectors with random data: If you want a more thorough way, you can choose to fill sectors with random data.
  • DoD 52220.22-M: It can erase the SSD from 3 times to 7 times.
  • Gutmann: If you pursue the most thorough erasing way, you can choose Gutmann which can wipe a disk 35 times.

Step 5. You will then be taken to the erase process page. If you want to stop the process, you can click Cancel in the right corner. When the operation is complete, click Finish.



This article introduces what is DiskPrt clean all on SSD and how to operate this command line to clean disk to avoid data leakage. Although the Diskpart clean command will allow you to effectively wipe your disk, sometimes errors like "Diskpart clean all stuck" and "Diskpart clean not working" will appear.

Therefore, in order to better protect data security, it is recommended that you choose a more secure and reliable software to help you, that is AOMEI Backupper Professional. It supports multiple disk types and Windows PC operating systems as well as 4 different erasing methods. Definitely able to completely wipe the disk clean.

When you need to replace a disk, you can use its Disk Clone feature to transfer all the data on the source disk to a new disk, and then use the Disk Wipe function to completely erase it. You can download this software to explore more.

Clytze · Editor
Clytze, an editor at AOMEI Technology, is passionate about safeguarding your digital world. She dedicates her expertise to empower users like you in data security and recovery. She firmly believes that everyone should have the tools and knowledge to protect their digital assets through computer backup, seamless disk cloning, and efficient file synchronization. Clytze is your trusted guide on the journey to data safety.