Factory Reset vs Reinstalling Windows: Which is the Best Option

This article delves into the differences between a factory reset and a Windows reinstallation, helping you make an informed decision about which route to take. We will explore the scenarios where each method is most effective, provide step-by-step instructions for both processes, and address common questions users have about these options.


By Sebastian Updated on August 15, 2024

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What Is The Difference Between a Factory Reset and a Clean Install on Windows?

“o, what is the difference between a factory reset and a clean install? Seeing as I am no expert, even googling about this didn't entirely give me clear answers (it most likely did, but I'm not sure how clearly I understood them) There is nothing important on this pc as an FYI, I can simply reinstall basically everything on here on my own.”

– Reddit

The Dilemma Between Factory Reset and Reinstalling Windows

When faced with persistent performance issues, crashes, or malware infections, many PC users find themselves at a crossroads: should they perform a factory reset or reinstall Windows? Both options promise to restore your system to a more functional state, but they achieve this in fundamentally different ways. Understanding the distinction between a factory reset and reinstalling Windows is crucial for making the right decision for your specific situation.

Why Choose Between Factory Reset and Reinstalling Windows?

⚡Restoring Performance: Whether it's due to malware, software conflicts, or general system sluggishness, both a factory reset and reinstalling Windows can restore your PC to a smoother, faster state.
⚡Data Management: Each method handles your data differently—one may wipe everything clean, while the other can preserve your files. Knowing which is which can save you from accidental data loss.
⚡Time and Effort: The time and complexity involved in each process vary. One might be a quick fix, while the other requires more time and technical know-how.

Factory Reset: A Quick and Convenient Solution

Factory resetting your PC restores it to its original state as if it just came out of the box. This process is straightforward and ideal for resolving common software issues, but it also has limitations.

Windows 10 Reset

When to Opt for a Factory Reset

  • Performance Issues: If your system is running slowly due to accumulated junk files or minor software conflicts, a factory reset can help rejuvenate your PC.
  • Resale or Donation: Before selling or giving away your computer, a factory reset ensures that all your personal data is removed.
  • Simple Troubleshooting: For non-technical users, a factory reset is a relatively easy way to eliminate many software-related problems without diving into complex procedures.

Steps to Perform a Factory Reset on Windows

1. Backup Your Data: Before proceeding, ensure all important files are backed up to an external drive or cloud storage.

2. Access Reset Options: Go to “Settings” > “Update & Security” > “Recovery.” Under “Reset this PC,” click “Get started.”

3. Choose an Option: You’ll be given two choices—“Keep my files” or “Remove everything.” Select according to your needs.

Windows 10 Reset Option

4. Follow On-Screen Instructions: Windows will guide you through the reset process, which includes deleting apps and restoring default settings.

5. Restart and Restore: Once the reset is complete, your PC will restart. You may need to reinstall some programs, but your system should be running smoothly again.

Reinstalling Windows: A More Comprehensive Solution

Reinstalling Windows involves wiping the existing operating system and replacing it with a fresh copy. This process can resolve more severe issues and is often considered the “nuclear option” for system restoration.

Windows 10 Version

When to Reinstall Windows

  • Severe Malware Infection: If your PC has been compromised by malware that can’t be removed through other means, reinstalling Windows is a sure way to eradicate it.
  • Persistent System Errors: When errors persist even after troubleshooting, reinstalling Windows ensures that any underlying software corruption is completely eliminated.
  • Starting Fresh: If you want to completely overhaul your system—removing all files, settings, and software—a fresh installation of Windows is the way to go.

Steps to Reinstall Windows

1. Reinstalling Windows will erase everything, so backup all important data beforehand.

2. Download the Windows installation tool from the Microsoft website and create a bootable USB drive.

Windows 10 Setup

3. Insert the USB drive into your PC, restart, and boot from the USB by selecting it in the BIOS/UEFI boot menu.

4. The Windows setup will guide you through the installation process. Choose the option to perform a clean install, which will format your drive.

5. After installation, you’ll need to reinstall drivers and any necessary software to get your system fully operational again.

Reinstall cannot solve all problems – how to fix

If you need to reinstall Windows 10 without a CD, there are several options available. "Reset this PC" allows you to reinstall Windows while keeping your personal files, but it will remove all installed apps. Other methods let you reinstall Windows without deleting the system partition or related partitions, and they store your previous Windows installation in the Windows. old folder on your system drive.

However, reinstalling can be time-consuming, especially when it comes to setting up your programs again. To simplify this process, consider using backup and restore software like AOMEI Backupper. With this tool, you can create a system image that includes all your files and apps in the system partition. If something goes wrong, you can quickly restore the system image, and all your files and apps will be back in place, and ready to use.

To create a system image with AOMEI Backupper, simply download and launch the software. Choose the type of backup you want, follow the on-screen instructions, and save the backup to an external hard drive or other storage device. This way, you'll have a full backup that can restore your system quickly whenever needed.

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System Backup

To restore a backup image from an external hard drive, start by creating a bootable drive using a functioning computer. Once that’s done, replace the old hard drive and boot your system from the bootable media. Next, connect the external drive containing the backup image to your computer and proceed with the restoration.

When prompted, click on "Restore" and either "Select Task" or "Select Image File." Then, just follow the on-screen instructions to complete the restoration process.

Select Task

FAQs: Factory Reset vs Reinstalling Windows

Q 1: Which option is better for fixing a slow computer?

A 1: It depends on the root cause. A factory reset can resolve issues caused by accumulated junk files or minor software conflicts. However, if the slowdown is due to deep-rooted system corruption or malware, reinstalling Windows is more effective.

Q 2: Will I lose my data with a factory reset?

A 2: A factory reset can either keep your personal files (while removing apps and settings) or wipe everything clean, depending on the option you choose. Always back up important data before proceeding.

Q 3: How long does it take to reinstall Windows?

A 3: The process can take anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours, depending on your system’s hardware and the number of files being processed.

Tips for Choosing Between Factory Reset and Reinstalling Windows

  1. Assess the Severity of Issues: For minor software glitches and general performance improvements, a factory reset may suffice. For more severe issues, a reinstall is the better choice.
  2. Consider Time and Effort: If you’re short on time or prefer a simpler process, a factory reset is quicker. Reinstalling Windows, while more time-consuming, provides a more thorough solution.
  3. Backup, Backup, Backup: Always ensure your data is backed up before proceeding with either method. Whether you’re resetting or reinstalling, having a backup ensures that your files are safe.


Choosing between a factory reset and reinstalling Windows can be a daunting decision, but understanding the differences can help you make the best choice for your situation. A factory reset is a quick fix for many common problems, offering convenience and simplicity, while reinstalling Windows provides a more comprehensive solution for severe issues. By weighing the pros and cons of each method and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can restore your PC to optimal performance with confidence. Remember, whether you choose to reset or reinstall, backing up your data beforehand is paramount to avoid any potential data loss.

Sebastian · Editor
Sebastian, a professional editor at AOMEI, brings personal product experience and a user-focused mindset to solve data protection issues. With valuable technical insights and a dedication to user experience, he simplifies complex concepts and provides reliable solutions. Sebastian's expertise and skills make him an invaluable resource for readers seeking technical guidance.