Best XXCopy Alternative for Windows 11/10/8/7 [Free]

Looking for XXCopy similar software in Windows? Read this article carefully to get the best free alternative to XXCopy and detailed steps of using it.


By Lily Updated on August 2, 2023

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About XXCopy

XXCopy is a file management tool for all Windows versions (except Windows CE). It is a command-line program which is a lot like Xcopy but with more options. You can use it to copy, backup and synchronize files. You can also use it to clone drives. However, it is generally not intended to create a bootable destination drive, which can be done by another Pixelab tool called XXClone.

There are three types of XXCopy products: XXCopy Freeware, XXCopy Home and XXcopy Pro. The first two products are for personal use while the last one is for corporate users and others. All XXCopy download packages come with both the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version. Just install the right XXCopy product in right version according to your situation.


Why do you need XXCopy alternative?

Superb as it looks like, users are disappointed by the errors they encounter while using XXCopy:

  • Some DLL and EXE files are not copied successfully.

  • Get a message saying “XXCopy is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file….” when a batchrun script contains a .bat file including XXCopy commands.

  • Get “invalid destination directory” error when copying to a remote (networked) computer.

Such errors sound annoying! What’s more, Pixelab has stopped accepting any new orders and renewals to all of its products including Datman, XXCopy, and XXClone since March 2017. Therefore, it is necessary for you to find reliable XXCopy replacement to help you with the copy, backup and clone things.

Best free alternative to XXCopy - AOMEI Backupper

AOMEI Backupper Standard can be the best XXCopy similar software, and it’s free of charge! It is built with graphic user interface (GUI) which makes it easier to handle than XXCopy, especially for those who are not too tech-savvy. On the main interface, you’ll see the three major functions of AOMEI Backupper: Backup, Sync, Restore and Clone.

  • Backup/Sync: you are allowed to perform full system backups as well as backup specific files, documents, disks, partitions and create a cloud backup. You can also synchronize files from one location to another.

  • Restore: you can recover permanently deleted files and crashed system or disks from the backup images you created with AOMEI Backupper.

  • Clone: you are able to duplicate an entire disk or specific partitions. To clone only system-related partitions, you may choose AOMEI Backupper Professional and use System Clone.

How to copy files easily via AOMEI Backupper

1. Download, install and launch AOMEI Backupper.

Download Freeware Win 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

2. Click “Sync” and select “Basic Sync”.

File Sync

3. Name the task so that you can distinguish it from other sync tasks. Click “Add Folder” to select the folder you want to synchronize.

Add Folder

Tips: To sync more than one folder, you can click the “+” icon after adding the first folder.

4. Click the folder shaped button in the second column to select the destination location. It can be a local disk, external hard drive, network location or cloud drive.

Select Destination Path

5. Click on “Start Sync” button to perform the operation.

Start Sync

🔍 Other settings you may need:

>> Options: you can write a comment for your sync task so that you can figure out the specific sync contents. You can also enable email notification here.

Sync Settings

>> Schedule Sync: you can set the sync task to run periodically, such as daily, weekly or monthly.

Sync Automatically

Note: If you prefer command-line operations, you may upgrade to AOMEI Backupper Professional or higher editions. Learn AOMEI Backupper command lines from here.


When you are frustrated with XXCopy errors or you find it is difficult to handle, you can turn to the best XXCopy alternative—AOMEI Backupper. Compared with XXCopy, it offers more advanced settings in the tasks of backup, restore and clone. You are allowed to compress or split the image files as per your need. You can also do sector by sector clone and clone SSD to USB drive, etc. Why not try it out right now?

Lily · Editor
Lily Green joined AOMEI in 2018 and has since become a professional in the areas of data protection and data transfer. She is committed to helping users protect their precious computer data and troubleshoot Windows system errors. She consistently stays vigilant about the latest trends in technology, guaranteeing that the given information aligned with the ongoing advancements in the field.