How to Backup Gmail to Synology NAS (Easiest)

You will learn the easiest way to backup Gmail to Synology NAS effortlessly and how to backup emails, calendars, contacts, etc in it step by step. Scroll down for details.


By Ivy Updated on March 2, 2023

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Can I move Old Mails from Gmail to Synology?

“Hi, I have a free 15GB version of Google services. Only mails there and reaching 90% usage. Is it somehow possible to move old mail to any Synology app and do such archiving regularly? I can still use Gmail for recent mail and daily mail. Would appreciate any hints.”

Backup Gmail to Synology NAS

Why Backup Gmail to Synology NAS?

Nowadays, an increasing number of users want to backup Gmail to Synology NAS. To understand it well, you need to learn the reasons for it. So we summarize 3 main reasons below.

  • First, you have many years of emails, attachments, photos, etc, and certainly don’t want to lose them.
  • Second, move old emails to Synology for more Gmail space.
  • Third, be sure you can easily restore emails in Gmail when something bad happens, such as file corruption, hardware damage, etc. Or you discontinue with the extension service.

The Easiest Way to Backup Gmail Synology

Searching “backup Gmail to Synology NAS”, “Backup Gmail Synology”, or similar, you may find different ways to backup your emails in Gmail, such as Synology MailPlus Server, and GMVault. However, only a few articles explain the steps well, and most of them do not provide relevant screenshots yet, so it is still quite different for users (especially novices) to back up with them.

Is there any easy way to backup Gmail Synology? The answer is yes, except for software provided by Synology NAS, you can also use powerful Outlook backup software - AOMEI Backupper Professional to help you.

How to Backup Gmail to Synology Step by Step

Before you start Synology Gmail backup, let’s learn more about powerful Outlook backup software - AOMEI Backupper Professional.

It offers you the “Outlook Backup” feature to backup emails, attachments, calendars, contacts, etc in Gmail or other email services in Outlook.
It allows you to backup Gmail to Synology NAS, such as Synology DiskStation, or other NAS servers (eg: WD My Cloud EX4100, Buffalo TeraStation 3420RN). Also, internal disks, external disks, and cloud drives are supported.
It is able to perform Gmail backup Synology automatically if you enable the “Schedule Backup” feature. You have 4 options, including Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Event triggers, even waking your computer at a specific time.

To perform Synology Gmail backup, please download this powerful backup software.

Download Free TrialWin 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

(PS: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, XP and Vista are supported on the Professional edition. For server users, try AOMEI Backupper Server!)

Step 1. Add the Gmail account in Outlook. Open AOMEI Backupper Professional and click Backup and Outlook Backup.

Outlook Backup

Step 2. Click Add Outlook data and select the Gmail account containing the emails you want to backup. Then click OK.

Add Outlook Data

Note: If you don’t want to backup all emails in your Gmail account, you could select specific folders in it to backup.

Step 3. Click Add Share or NAS Device.

Add Share or NAS

Step 4. Type the network path of Synology NAS in the blank box and select a folder on it to save your emails in Gmail.

Synology NAS Path

Step 5. Enable daily/weekly/monthly/event triggers schedule backup and be sure the ”Wake the computer to run scheduled task” option is checked if you want to wake your computer at a specific time. Then, click Start Backup to backup Gmail to Synology NAS.

Backup Gmail to Synology NAS


  • The Event triggers does not support the ”Wake the computer to run scheduled task” option.
  • In a scheduled task, this software will enable incremental backup to backup only changed files. You can also switch to differential backup, which is based on full backup and more secure.
  • Besides, you can also enable automatic backup cleanup in Backup Scheme to free up more space for Synology NAS. This feature will directly delete old backup images based on the selected cleanup methods.


Instead of using Synology MailPlus Server as well as GMVault, a powerful Outlook backup software - AOMEI Backupper Professional allows you to backup Gmail to Synology NAS effortlessly in 5 steps. And you can even backup Gmail to OneDrive without any obstacle.

In addition, you still can set up schedule backup, incremental/differential backup, automatic backup cleanup methods, etc to create multiple backups using less space.

Ivy · Editor
Ivy is an editor of AOMEI Technology, she covers backup & restore,hard disk & partitions management and cloud files transfer and so on for AOMEI. She is an outgoing girl and enjoys helping people find solutions to their problems. She loves traveling, eating, reading and so on. She usually hangs out with friends at her leisure time.