5 Ways to Download Attachments from Multiple Emails in Outlook

How to download all attachments from Outlook emails at one time? Here are 5 useful ways to accomplish this goal directly. After reading, you can choose the use the Save All Attachments feature, Save Attachments function, VBA code, MultCloud, and AOMEI Backupper Professional.


By Maggie Updated on November 23, 2023

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Is there a way to download all email attachments at once?

Microsoft Outlook simplifies the process of attaching images, files, emails, and various items to an email message. However, dealing with multiple attachments in received emails can be time-consuming and tedious. Users often find themselves manually saving Outlook attachments one by one, and even the 'Save all Outlook attachments' feature may not always be effective. In such cases, users often seek a solution to the common question of how to efficiently download attachments from multiple emails Outlook.

“I do know that you can save multiple attachments within a *single* email message.
But can you save multiple attachments across *multiple* messages -- with a single command?ENTOURAGE used to allow this. You could highlight multiple messages with attachments, select "SAVE ALL" under the attachment sub-menu, and they would ALL get saved to some specified folder.
However, my copies of OUTLOOK 2011 (on different computers) do not allow this. If you highlight multiple messages and select SAVE ALL (for attachments), the program only saves the attachments to the FIRST highlighted message. It does not save attachments from any subsequent messages.
Is there a way around this problem?
I have LOTS of attachments to save, and I would rather NOT have to do this message by message, one at a time.


Download all attachments from multiple emails outlook can offer a wide range of benefits, like the following factors:

✍Creating a backup or archiving crucial files
This backup precaution ensures that you possess a local copy of these files, providing a safeguard in scenarios such as email server problems, data loss, or when you require access to these files without an internet connection.
✍Ease of access
Once you've downloaded attachments to your PC, you gain the ability to access these files offline. This becomes particularly advantageous during frequent travel or situations where an internet connection is unavailable. Storing these files locally enables you to reference them at your convenience.
Easy to manage
You can edit them using your preferred software, a crucial capability for collaborative or revisable documents.

So, how to download attachments from multiple emails Outlook 365? Well, there are 5 simple solutions as list:

  • The Save All Attachments feature
  • Save Attachments feature
  • VBA code
  • MultCloud
  • AOMEI Backupper Professional

How to save multiple attachments from multiple emails outlook

How to execute Outlook save all attachments from multiple emails? Here are 5 ways for you. For a better reading experience and logical reading, you can refer to the content column to address the target method directly.

Method 1. Use 'save all attachment' feature

To download attachments from an Outlook email, follow these steps:

1. Open the Outlook application and select the email containing the attachments.

2. Choose the attachments you want to extract from the Outlook email. You can select multiple attachments if needed.

3. Right-click on the selected attachments and choose the Save All Attachments option.

Save ALL Attachments

4. Specify the folder path where you want to save the attachments and click OK.

Select Folder

Then all the selected attachments from the chosen Outlook email will be saved to the specified location. If this ‘save all attachment’ feature is disabled, try another way!

Method 2. Use 'save attachments' feature

To save multiple attachments from multiple emails Outlook via Save attachments feature, follow these steps:

1. Open the email message with attachments by double-clicking on it.

2. Navigate to File > Save Attachments.

Save Attachment

3. Choose the attachments you want to save. Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key to select multiple or specific attachments, then click OK.

4. Choose the location where you want to save the attachments and click OK.

By following these steps, you can easily save attachments from an email in Outlook, allowing you to organize and store your files efficiently.

Method 3. Use VBA Code

To bulk save attachments from multiple PST emails in Outlook using VBA code, follow these steps:

1. Create a folder on your computer for saving attachments, e.g., navigate to Documents and create a folder called Attachments.

2. Choose the emails with attachments. Press Alt + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

3. If saving all attachments with the same name into a single folder, go to Tools > References, and check Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

4. Click Insert > Module to open the Module window. Paste one of the provided VBA code examples.

Insert Module

Dim GCount As Integer

Dim GFilepath As String

Public Sub SaveAttachments()

'Update 20200821

Dim xMailItem As Outlook.MailItem

Dim xAttachments As Outlook.Attachments

Dim xSelection As Outlook.Selection

Dim i As Long

Dim xAttCount As Long

Dim xFilePath As String, xFolderPath As String, xSaveFiles As String

On Error Resume Next

xFolderPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders(16)

Set xSelection = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection

xFolderPath = xFolderPath & "\Attachments\"

If VBA.Dir(xFolderPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then a) VBA.MkDir xFolderPath

End If

GFilepath = ""

For Each xMailItem In xSelection a) Set xAttachments = xMailItem.Attachments b) xAttCount = xAttachments.Count c) xSaveFiles = ""d) If xAttCount > 0 Then i. For i = xAttCount To 1 Step -1 1. GCount = 0 2. xFilePath = xFolderPath & xAttachments.Item(i).FileName 3. GFilepath = xFilePath 4. xFilePath = FileRename(xFilePath) 5. If IsEmbeddedAttachment(xAttachments.Item(i)) = False Then a) xAttachments.Item(i).SaveAsFile xFilePath b) If xMailItem.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then i. xSaveFiles = xSaveFiles & vbCrLf & ""c) Else i. xSaveFiles = xSaveFiles & "!>

" & "" & xFilePath & ""d) End If 6. End If ii. Next i e) End If!>


Set xAttachments = Nothing!>

Set xMailItem = Nothing!>

Set xSelection = Nothing!>

End Sub!>

Function FileRename(FilePath As String) As String

Dim xPath As String

Dim xFso As FileSystemObject

On Error Resume Next

Set xFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

xPath = FilePath 30. FileRename = xPath

If xFso.FileExists(xPath) Then a) GCount = GCount + 1 b) xPath = xFso.GetParentFolderName(GFilepath) & "\" & xFso.GetBaseName(GFilepath) & " " & GCount & "." + xFso.GetExtensionName(GFilepath) c) FileRename = FileRename(xPath)

End If

xFso = Nothing

End Function

Function IsEmbeddedAttachment(Attach As Attachment)

Dim xItem As MailItem

Dim xCid As String

Dim xID As String

Dim xHtml As String

On Error Resume Next

IsEmbeddedAttachment = False

Set xItem = Attach.Parent

If xItem.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then Exit Function

xCid = ""

xCid = Attach.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x3712001F")

If xCid <> "" Then a) xHtml = xItem.HTMLBody b) xID = "cid:" & xCid c) If InStr(xHtml, xID) > 0 Then i. IsEmbeddedAttachment = True d) End If

End If

End Function

5. Once the code is done, you can compile the project by clicking Debug and then Compile Project.

By following these steps, you can efficiently use VBA to bulk save attachments from multiple PST emails in Outlook.

Method 4. Use Multi-cloud🔥

MultCloud is a free and intelligent cloud file manager. This web-based service enables you to efficiently manage various mailboxes and cloud drives, such as Google Drive, iCloud Drive, Gmail, Outlook, Google Photos, Dropbox, and more.

With MultCloud, you can seamlessly manage emails on both Gmail and Outlook without the need to switch between different platforms. The platform allows you to download multiple emails, including their attachments, directly to PDF files on your computer, and it's entirely free. The process is simple and quick, thanks to MultCloud's cutting-edge email exporting technology.

1. Create an account on MultCloud if you don’t have one.

2. Go to the Add Email button, click the Outlook icon, and grant MultCloud permission by following on-screen instructions.

Add Email Outlook

3. In Outlook, select the emails with attachments. Download them to your local computer by ticking the Save Attachments tab before starting. Repeat these steps for additional emails.

Save Attachment MC

Method 5. Use professional email software (auto way)🔥

If you are looking for comprehensive email backup software, I would recommend AOMEI Backupper Professional. Thanks to its Outlook Backup feature, it allows users to support various mail services, including Yahoo Mail, Gmail, iCloud Mail, Exchange, Outlook Mail, Zoho Mail, etc.

Auto backup: it offers a schedule backup feature to allow you backup Outlook data in daily/weekly/monthly/event triggers and USB plug-in mode as you need.
▶ Flexible email backup types: not only emails, you can also backup your mailbox folder like Inbox, Drafts, Notes, Synced messages, and so on.
▶ Rich backup destinations: you are allowed to backup Outlook to Cloud service like OneDrive, Share and NAS drive, local and external hard drives like USB flash drive, SSDs and HDDs.
▶ Wide range of compatibility: It is compatible with a wide range of Windows PC operating systems, including Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista. And for Server users, try AOMEI Backupper Server.
incremental or differential backup: you can use this method to save backup time and storage space taken by the backup image.

Before you start:

  • Download AOMEI Backupper Professional and install it on your computer.
  • Loggin your outlook account and connect it.
Download Free Trial Win 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

Step 1. In the main menu, choose Backup at the left-side menu and then click on Outlook Backup.

Outlook Backup

Step 2. Click on Add Outlook Data and choose the folders containing multiple attachments you intend to backup. Then click OK.

Add Outlook Data

Add Email

Step 3. Then in the second box, choose the destination path to save your email with attachments.

Select Backup Destination

Step 4. Click Schedule Backup icon at the bottom of the page and specify your auto-backup frequencies.

Schedule Backup

Step 5. Then click Start Backup to automatically download attachments from multiple emails Outlook.


You can use 5 ways to download attachments from multiple emails Outlook, namely, Save All Attachments feature, Save Attachments function, VBA code, MultCloud, and AOMEI Backupper Professional.

Here I would like say more about AOMEI Backupper Professonal. This is comprehensive email backup software and offers wonderful automatic delete old backups to save more storage location for windows users. Here are the pros and cons for the methods separately, you can choose one that suits you best.




Save All Attachments Feature (Outlook)

Built-in, user-friendly.

Limited automation, manual process.

Save Attachments Function

Batch processing, semi-automated.

Limited customization, manual initiation.

Save Attachments Function (VBA code)

Customizable, automated.

Requires coding skills, potential errors.


Cloud-based, accessible from anywhere.

Dependency on internet, privacy concerns.

AOMEI Backupper Professional

Comprehensive backup solution.



Maggie · Editor
Maggie is a technical editor from AOMEI and troubleshoots technical problems against data protection. She has received professional and systematic technical training. With a focus on user experience, security, and problem-solving, she always puts herself in the readers' shoes and provides them with valuable technical insights.