5 Solutions to Error: Hyper-V VM Failed to Change State

If you received the Hyper-V error: VM failed to change state with no other error information, there are 5 common reasons that may lead to this error. Today I will introduce their solutions in this article accordingly.


By Crystal / Updated on June 14, 2024

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Why your Hyper-V VM failed to change state error

Have you ever received the error that Hyper-V virtual machine failed to change state? Sometimes it will tell you what’s causing it, but sometimes there’s only an error code ("The operation failed with error code 32788") or just nothing at all.

Hyper-V VM failed to change state

That's because there are many reasons that may lead to this error. So the first thing you need to do is to determine your root cause. You can follow these steps:

1. Launch Windows Event Viewer (you can search it in search box).

2. Expand Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Hyper-V Worker.

3. Click on Admin and check the events marked as Error.

Event viewer Hyper-V error

Now you can check the error details to find what exactly caused your problem. And in this article, I will introduce how to solve the Hyper-V error accordingly.

Before you start, if you worry about losing your important VM data, you can backup Hyper-V virtual machines in advance.

Solutions to the Hyper-V error: VM failed to change state

The Hyper-V failed to change state error 32788 is usually related to a conflict in the VM configuration/settings. To be specific, there may be 5 reasons why Hyper-V VM failed to change state:

In this section, I will provide solutions for these 5 causes correspondently. You can click the anchor text to jump to the part that suits your condition.

No free space on the disk where Hyper-V files are stored

Among most VM problems, the storage space issue is the most common and easiest one to resolve.

You should always monitor the disk space where Hyper-V VM files are stored. Since the dynamic disks and maintenance tasks consume space on the Hyper-V host regularly.

Especially Hyper-V checkpoints, creating too many snapshots or storing them for long time can lead to a rapid consumption of disk space.

Therefore, if you don’t have enough disk space, the first thing you should check is that have you deleted the checkpoints timely and properly.

ISO image mounted to the VM is misconfigured or not found

If you move or delete the ISO image from its original location, or migrate the VM to another host where the ISO file path is different, it can cause the Hyper-V VM unable to power on, and display VM failed to change state error. You should check and correct the ISO file path.

1. Launch Hyper-V Manager, right-click on the VM name and select Settings.

Open Hyper-V VM settings

2. Navigate to IDE Controller/SCSI Controller > DVD Drive.

3. Check and correct the ISO file path in Media > Image file:.

The network adapter of the VM is misconfigured

This error often happens when performing Hyper-V live migrations, you may have migrated your VM to an Hyper-V host where the virtual switch doesn’t exists. You can check it by:

1. Launch Hyper-V Manager, right-click on the VM name and select Settings.

2. Navigate to Network Adapter, and check if there is a Configuration Error alert.

The VMMS on Hyper-V host is not running properly

In addition to the above 3 misconfigurations of Hyper-V VM settings, the bad running state of Hyper-V Virtual Management Service (VMMS) on Hyper-V host can also lead to this Hyper-V error.

1. Launch Windows Computer Management (you can search it in search box).

2. Expand Services and Applications, and click Services.

3. Find Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management from the right services list, and check if its state is Running.

Running Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management

4. If it’s not, you can right-click on it and select Restart.

The antivirus software blocked access to Hyper-V VM files.

Hyper-V must have full access to VM folders and files. However, some antivirus software may sometimes block access to Hyper-V VM files.

If none of the above methods can solve the hyper v failed to change state error, you can check your antivirus software settings and add the VM folder to the exclusions in your antivirus settings.

Tips: Backup Hyper-V VMs in case of any possible errors

Just like the physical machines we normally use, virtual machines are prone to various problems during frequent use. Not just the Hyper-V failed to change state error 32788, many other errors may lead to VM failure or even data loss.

☛ Prevents hardware failure, ensuring that virtual machines can be restored even if the underlying physical server fails.
☛ Prevents human errors such as accidental deletion or misconfiguration, reducing the risk of operational disruption.
☛ Prepares for disaster recovery, quickly restoring the entire system to its previous state and maintaining continuity of operations in the event of an unforeseen situation.

In short, backing up Hyper-V virtual machines is critical to maintaining data integrity, minimizing downtime, and maintaining business continuity. So an effective VM backup solution is necessary, as Hyper-V itself doesn't offer options for long-term protection of large volumes of virtual machine data.

Here I recommend you a professional and free Hyper-V backup software AOMEI Cyber Backup, for it can back up Hyper-V VMs agentlessly with simple steps. You can also configure the schedule to automate the backup, monitors the status and sends email notifications if there's an error, and set up a retention policy to auto delete old backups.

You can hit the button below to download and enjoy the perpetual free edition:

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✍ To back up Hyper-V using AOMEI Cyber Backup, follow these steps:

1. Launch AOMEI Cyber Backup, then add your Hyper-V host by filling in the IP address and password.

2. Locate Backup Task > Create New Task to configure a centralized Hyper-V backup.

create new backup

3. Configure the settings as following:

Device Name: Select one or more virtual machines on the host.

Target: Specify a location to store the virtual machine backups such as a network share or local location.

Archive: If you need, you can enable this feature to archive Hyper-V backup to an Amazon S3 storage.

Schedule: Select full/incremental backup and configure the backup frequency as daily/weekly/monthly.

schedule Hyper-V backup

To enjoy more advanced features, you could upgrade to Premium edition.
Backup Cleanup: Specify a retention period that will delete unwanted backups automatically.
Email Notification: Help users stay informed about backup status, and enable timely responses to critical events or issues.

4. Click Start Backup or select Add the schedule and start backup now /Add the schedule only.

start backup

5. With the created backups in hand, you can restore VMs from any backup points quickly and securely.

restore from history versions


In general, there are 5 common reasons that may cause Hyper-V VM failed to change state. According to these reasons, I introduced 5 solutions to the error in this article. Hope it can be helpful to you.

While using VMs, a small misconfiguration can lead to many errors or even data loss. In addition to the error I introduced today, you may also find your Hyper-V VM stuck in saved state. Therefore, it is necessary to back up your VMs regularly.

Crystal · Editor
Crystal is an editor from AOMEI Technology. She mainly writes articles about virtual machine. She is a positive young lady likes to share articles with peolpe. Off work she loves travelling and cooking which is wonderful for life.