[Solved] Unable to Locate Credentials in 3 Ways

Why there is an error unable to locate credentials? Several reasons can cause this error, and what you should do is fix the error immediately. The following article offers you 3 resolutions to this error.


By Amelia / Updated on December 10, 2024

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Bash with AWS CLI – unable to locate credentials

I have a shell script which is supposed to download some files from S3 and mount an ebs drive. However, I always end up with “Unable to locate credentials”. I have specify my credentials with the aws configure command and the commands work outside the shell script. Could somebody, please, tell me(preferably in detail) how to make it work?

- Question from Stack Overflow

You may encounter problems related to the inability to locate credentials when accessing S3 resources. First, you have to understand what credentials are, credentials include access keys, IAM roles, and session tokens. In Amazon S3, an “Unable to locate credentials” error means that the AWS service you are interacting with could not locate the credentials used to authenticate the AWS API call. It is important to understand this before you can better resolve this error. This article will provide detailed steps to fix unable to locate credentials.

unable to locate credentials

Common Causes of Credential Issues

When you encounter the AWS CLI unable to locate credentials error, you can consider the below causes that may lead to the error.

1. Missing Credentials: The most immediate problem that leads to this error is not providing a certificate at all, so you'll have to make sure that the configuration contains the access key ID and secret access key.

2. Incorrect Configuration: Incorrect configuration may also cause this error, so you need to double-check configuration files such as ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials for the AWS CLI to make sure they contain the correct information.

3. Expired Credentials: If you are using temporary security credentials, you need to ensure that they have not expired because temporary credentials have a limited validity period.

How to Fix Unable to Locate Credentials Error in Amazon S3

When the error unable to locate credentials happens, you may face the interruption of the application or service, so you need to fix the error urgently. The following provides you with three resolutions to solve.

Check AWS Credentials Configuration

Ensure that you have properly set up AWS credentials, AWS uses access keys to authenticate requests. You can configure the credentials in different ways depending on how you interact with AWS. Two ways are provided below.

1. AWS CLI Configuration

If you are using AWS CLI, ensure that your credentials are properly configured using this command: aws configure.

If you use Linux/macOS the credentials will be stored in ~/.aws/credentials, and if you use Windows the credentials will be stored in %UserProfile%\.aws\credentials.

2. Environment Variable

If you are running a script or application, you can set AWS credentials using the environment variable. You can do this on Linux by using the following command:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your-access-key-id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your-secret-access-key"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="your-region"

Also, you can do this in Windows using PowerShell:

setx AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID "your-access-key-id"
setx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY "your-secret-access-key"
setx AWS_DEFAULT_REGION "your-region"

Verify Permissions

Ensure that the IAM user or role associated with the credentials has the necessary permissions to access a specific S3 bucket. Permissions should include, at a minimum, s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject (if reading objects), or s3:PutObject (if uploading).

Example IAM policy for S3 access:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"

Check AWS SDK or Application Configuration

If you are using an SDK, such as boto3 for Python, or AWS SDK for Java, verify that the SDK correctly points to the credentials file or environment variables.

In boto3, you can explicitly specify the profile:

import boto3
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='your-profile-name')
s3 = session.client('s3')

Using Professional Backup Software for Data Security

Once the Unable to Locate Credentials error occurs, it can lead to several potential issues, especially in terms of security performance. So to keep your data more secure, you can use AOMEI Cyber Backup to archive your important data to Amazon S3.

When using Amazon S3, you can enjoy the following features:

🔰Versatile Backup Options: It supports full, incremental, and differential backups, catering to data protection needs.
🔰Comprehensive Data Protection: It covers various environments, including Windows PCs, servers, virtual machines, and SQL databases.
🔰Easy Restoration: It provides straightforward data restoration options, allowing for quick recovery in case of data loss or corruption.
🔰Automated Scheduling: It allows users to set up automated backup schedules, ensuring regular data protection without manual intervention.
🔰User-Friendly Interface: It is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical knowledge.

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✨To begin using AOMEI Cyber Backup with Amazon S3, follow these steps:

1. Click Target Storage > Amazon S3 > Add Target to open the add target page. Enter your Amazon S3 credentials including username, keyword, and bucket name, then click Confirm. Ensure you have the necessary permissions set up in your AWS account.

add s3 as target

2. Click Backup Task > Create New Task to starting archiving your important data to Amazon S3. Select File Backup (for example) and choose files or folders for backup.

create backup to amazon

3. Check Archiving backup versions to Amazon S3 and click Select to choose the added Amazon S3.

4. Schedule backup task to run daily/weekly/monthly, and select backup retention policies to delete old backups automatically.

5. Click "Start Backup" to begin the backup process. It will first create a backup locally or on the NAS and then upload the backup to Amazon S3.

file backup to amazon s3


Experiencing credential issues when accessing Amazon S3 can be frustrating, but you can follow the methods above to resolve the unable to locate credentials error. And always make sure that your access keys, IAM roles, and profiles are set up correctly for smooth access to S3 resources.

Amelia · Editor
Amelia is an editor from AOMEI. Trained in professional systems, she specializes in solving problems in enterprise databases, virtual machines, and physical environments. With a high sense of responsibility, she is dedicated to protecting business data and security.