How to Fix “Repairing Disk Errors” Loop in Windows 11/10/8/7

Are you confronted with “Repairing disk errors” loop in Windows 11/10/8/7? Follow this article to fix the problem simply.


By Lily Updated on January 16, 2024

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The problem: “Repairing disk errors” Windows 10 loop

No matter which brand of computer you are using, problems may occur unexpectedly. Some users encounter “Repairing disk errors” on Windows 10 HP computer. The same problem is reported on Lenovo, Dell, Acer and ASUS computer as well. “Repairing disk errors” loop happens after upgrading to Windows 10, or after a game crash, etc. One user posted his experience in the forum:

“I have had to use a USB with Windows 10 on it to boot my laptop. I have now been stuck on 'repairing disk errors' nearly all day. Is there any way I can get off this screen without damaging my laptop?”

Repairing Disk Errors

3 quick fixes to “Repairing disk errors” loop in Windows 11/10/8/7

If you are troubled with “Repairing disk errors” loop, there are three quick fixes for your reference:

💡 If you want a more efficient way to fix various boot errors, try the best free bootable USB maker.

Fix 1: Restart from Safe Mode with Networking

Learn how to skip “Repairing disk errors” as follows.

1. Hold Shift key and press Power button until the “Sign-in” screen shows up and click Restart.

2. After your computer restarts to “Choose an option” screen, choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart.

3. After the computer restarts, you’ll see a list of options. Press 5 or F5 key to start computer from Safe Mode with Networking.

Safe Mode with Networking

Fix 2: Run automatic repair/startup repair

1. Insert Windows installation media, shut down your computer and restart it.

2. When the manufacturer’s logo pops up, keep pressing the Boot menu option key (usually F12) to enter the boot menu. Use or key to choose to boot from the installation media.

3. When getting a prompt of “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD”, just press any key.

4. Choose the correct time and keyboard type and click Next.

5. In the next screen, choose Repair your computer.

6. Select Troubleshooting > Advanced option > Automatic Repair/Startup Repair successively. Wait for the automatic repair to complete.

Startup Repair

Fix 3: Perform system restore from boot

1. Insert Windows installation media and boot from it as mentioned in Fix 1.

2. On the Install Windows screen, select Repair your computer.

3. Select Troubleshoot > Advanced option > System Restore in order. Follow the System Restore wizard to finish the recovery process.

System Restore

Note: To perform system restore, you should have created system restore points before.

More efficient way to fix various boot errors (without CD)👍

As you see, you may need Windows installation media to fix “Repairing disk errors” loop. What if you don’t have the installation media? AOMEI Backupper Standard can rescue you from this situation.

  • It allows you to create bootable media to start your computer when it can’t boot normally.
  • It enables you to make different types of backup including system backup, disk backup, file backup, etc.
  • It supports all editions of Windows 11, 10, 8.1/8, 7, Vista and XP.

To get prepared for various boot errors, you can create a bootable drive and backup the system regularly with AOMEI Backupper. Thus, you can restore system easily from the bootable USB when serious problems occur. Just download AOMEI Backupper and follow the instructions thereinafter:

Download Freeware Win 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

✦ Create a bootable USB

Step 1. Install and launch AOMEI Backupper. Connect a USB drive to your computer. Click "Tools" and select “Create Bootable Media”.

Create Bootable Media

Step 2. In the pop-up window, choose bootable disc type and click “Next”. It is recommended to choose Windows PE so that you can access full functions of AOMEI Backupper.

Bootable Disc Type

Step 3. Select “USB Boot Device” and click “Next”. You will receive a prompt to format your USB drive. Click “Yes” to start creating bootable media.

Select Bootable Media

Tip: The created disc supports both legacy/MBR and UEFI/GPT.

✦ Perform a scheduled system backup

Step 1. Launch AOMEI Backupper. Click on “Backup” and select “System Backup”.

System Backup

Step 2. The required system partition(s) is (are) selected by default. Choose the destination path to store the backup files. You can save the system image to the local disk, external hard drive or network location.

Select Destination

Step 3. Tick “Schedule Backup” in the bottom, and then set the frequency of the system backup to run.

Schedule Settings

Step 4. Confirm the operation and click “Start Backup”.

Start Backup

>> Options: you can enable email notification, choose the compression level for the backup image file and select intelligent sector backup or sector-by-sector backup.
>> Backup Scheme: you can choose from full/incremental/differential backup and enable automatic backup cleanup. You need to upgrade to AOMEI Backupper Professional to enjoy differential backup and auto backup deletion.

Wrapping things up

There are three quick fixes offered in this article to help you resolve “Repairing disk errors” loop in Windows 10/8/7. It is suggested that you create a bootable drive and backup system with AOMEI Backupper so that you can easily fix boot errors in the future.

What’s more, AOMEI Backupper owns many other wonderful features that enable you to upgrade C drive to SSD and write zeros to Seagate hard drive. Go for AOMEI Backupper right now!

Lily · Editor
Lily Green joined AOMEI in 2018 and has since become a professional in the areas of data protection and data transfer. She is committed to helping users protect their precious computer data and troubleshoot Windows system errors. She consistently stays vigilant about the latest trends in technology, guaranteeing that the given information aligned with the ongoing advancements in the field.