Scheduled Backup


An automatic backup will make backing up your information much easier. AOMEI Centralized Backupper is able to backup data automatically and periodically, which can enhance data security to a large extent. It provides four schedule modes: Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly to backup system, disk, and partition.

How to create a scheduled system backup?

Method 1: If you haven’t created any system backups, click Tasks, New Task, System Backup, choose the source and destination, and then click the Schedule button.

Scheduled Backup New Task

Method 2: If you have already created a system backup via AOMEI Centralized Backupper, you could find the backup task under Tasks, and then enable the schedule settings in Advanced, Edit Backup, Schedule.

Scheduled Backup Edit Backup

You can click All Computers to set the scheduled time of all tasks:

Scheduled Backup All Computers

Or click on a single client to set the scheduled time:

Scheduled Backup Single Computer

About Schedule Type Settings

Once Mode

Set a time point to perform the backup once.

Scheduled Backup Once

Daily Mode

Set a time point to perform the backup once a day.

Set a time frame in a day first, then choose time interval between start time and finish time and program will perform the backup at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 hours within this time frame every day.

Scheduled Backup Daily

Weekly Mode

Perform the backup at a given time point on the chosen day(s) every week.

Scheduled Backup Weekly

Monthly Mode

Choose a time point on a specific day (Monday to Sunday) of each month to perform a backup.

Choose a time point on a specific day from the calendar to perform the backup every month and you can select multiple days on the calendar.

Scheduled Backup Monthly

How to cancel the scheduled settings?

Method 1: Cancel scheduled settings in the main console.

Scheduled Backup Cancel

Note: This method will cancel the scheduled settings of all client computers in this task.

Method 2: You can cancel scheduled settings of a single computer in Advanced, Edit Backup, Schedule:

Scheduled Backup Disable