AOMEI Cyber Backup Error Codes

Virtual Machine Backup/Restore Error Codes

Windows Backup/Restore Error Codes

SQL Backup/Restore Error Codes

Virtual Machine Backup/Restore Error Codes

Error code: 0x0000000c

The operation has been canceled

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x0000001c

Failed to backup some objects.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x00000bbc

RPC interrupted. Please restart AOMEIUtil Service from the command line and try again. Using "NET START AOMEIUtil" command to restart AOMEIUtil Service in Windows or using "systemctl start aomei.service" command in Linux.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x00000fa5

Backup failed, virtual machine not found. It may be that the original virtual machine has been lost or the network cannot connect to the virtual machine. It is recommended that you troubleshoot the problem and try again

Solution: Please check the following items:

1. Please check if the virtual machine that backed up hasn’t existed. If yes, the backup task is invalid. You might need to recreate backup task for new virtual machine.

2. Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again.


Error code: 0x00000fa7

Failed to create backup directory. It may be that the target path is too long or does not have write access.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) On the computer where ACB is installed, enable the registry to support long paths, open the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem, find the LongPathsEnabled key on the right side, and change its value to 1, and then try;

2) Configure the write permission of the relevant account for the backup target path and try again.


Error code: 0x00000fa9

Failed to create a snapshot. It may be that the remote host is down, or the virtual machine has disabled the snapshot function or the virtual machine no longer exists. Please check and try again.

Solution: Please check if your ESXI has disabled the snapshot function. You can try to check if you can manually create snapshots success for the virtual machine.


Error code: 0x00000faa

Failed to read virtual machine disk.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) The virtual machine is not found. Please check whether the backup virtual machine exists;

2) The network is interrupted during the backup process. Please check whether the network connection is smooth;

3) The virtual machine does not have a disk mounted, so AOMEI Cyber Backup cannot perform backup operations;

4) The account permission to log into Hyper-V is insufficient. Please check whether the account connected to Hyper-V has permission and try again.


Error code: 0x00000fac

Failed to rename snapshot.

Solution: It may be that the virtual machine snapshot no longer exists;

There are "\ / : * ? " < > |" characters in the name of the virtual machine. It is recommended to modify the name of the virtual machine and try again.


Error code: 0x00000fad

Failed to record export file list.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) During the backup process, the Data directory under the x64 file in the ACB installation directory is deleted, resulting in abnormal backup;

2) The network is interrupted during the backup process. Please check whether the network connection is smooth, and then try again.


Error code: 0x00000fae

Failed to record disk file link. Maybe the network is down or the "VMMS" service is not enabled.

Solution: The virtual machine is not found. Please check whether the backup virtual machine exists; The virtual machine does not have a mounted disk, and AOMEI Cyber Backup cannot perform backup operations.


Error code: 0x00000fb1

Failed to perform a full backup for unknown reason.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x00000fbd

There is not enough free disk space in the target directory. It is recommended that you free up enough disk space and try again.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x0000fbf

Failed to copy files to backup directory. the network may be interrupted abnormally, please try again later.

Solution: Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server. And then try to back up again.


Error code: 0x00000fd4

Server denied remote access, please enable firewall exception.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Copy the "Hyper-vCfgTool.exe" in the ACB installation directory to the Hyper-V host to run it and try again; (click here to directly download the Hyper-vCfgTool.exe tool)

2) Enable the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service on the Hyper-V host;

3) Open the firewall -> click to allow applications or functions to pass through the Windows Defender firewall -> check Windows Management Instrumentation (WIMI) and Windows Remote Management;

4) Add the account to the "Hyper-V Administrator", "Performance Log Users", and "Distribute DCOM User" groups on the Hyper-V host;

5) Press the "WIN+R" key -> type powershell and enter -> then type: winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP;


Error code: 0x00000fd6

Failed to Perform a full backup for unknown reason.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x00000fe2

Failed to connect to network share.

Solution: Please check if there is no permission to access the network path. You can press Win+R on the server, then type into the network path to check if you can access and write data to it.

And, if it is a shared path, please also check and add the "System" permission for the shared location on the shared computer. And, please also check if the number of users shared simultaneously in the shared folder has reached the limit. We suggest that you set the number of users shared simultaneously to 20(default).


Error code: 0x00000fea

Failed to read virtual machine. It may be that the device information has been modified or the network connection is abnormal.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please check if the virtual machine that backed up hasn’t existed. If yes, the backup task is invalid. You might need to recreate backup task for new virtual machine.

2) Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again


Error code: 0x00001006

Failed to copy files to temporary restore directory.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Copy the "Hyper-vCfgTool.exe" in the ACB installation directory to the Hyper-V host to run it and try again; (click here to directly download the Hyper-vCfgTool.exe tool)

2) Enable the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service on the Hyper-V host;

3) Open the firewall -> click to allow applications or functions to pass through the Windows Defender firewall -> check Windows Management Instrumentation (WIMI) and Windows Remote Management;

4) Add the account to the "Hyper-V Administrator", "Performance Log Users", and "Distribute DCOM User" groups on the Hyper-V host;

5) Press the "WIN+R" key -> type powershell and enter -> then type: winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP.


Error code: 0x00001009

Specified directory or file not found in backup folder.

Solution: It may be because the backed up files are lost or inaccessible. It is recommended that you remove the abnormality and try again.


Error code: 0x0000100a

The basic disk image file was not found. The backup file with the .vhdx/.vhd suffix is missing from the backup file.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please check if the storage path of the image file generated by backup has changed

2) Please check if the destination hasn’t existed the backup files (.vhdx/.vhd suffix). Or, the backup files are not intact or damaged.


Error code: 0x0000100f

Failed to restore for unknown reason.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Copy the "Hyper-vCfgTool.exe" in the ACB installation directory to the Hyper-V host to run it and try again; (click here to directly download the Hyper-vCfgTool.exe tool)

2) Enable the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service on the Hyper-V host;

3) Open the firewall -> click to allow applications or functions to pass through the Windows Defender firewall -> check Windows Management Instrumentation (WIMI) and Windows Remote Management;

4) Add the account to the "Hyper-V Administrator", "Performance Log Users", and "Distribute DCOM User" groups on the Hyper-V host;

5) Press the "WIN+R" key -> type powershell and enter -> then type: winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP.


Error code: 0x00001012

Failed to restore virtual machine. Failed to execute import-VM command.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) When restoring the Hyper-V virtual machine, the set memory is too large, which exceeds the size that can be allocated by the system where the Hyper-V host is located. It is recommended to set the memory size to the range that the system can support and try again;

2) If the backup file is lost or inaccessible, it is recommended that you remove the abnormality and try again.


Error code: 0x00001079

Failed to back up the virtual machine. Please try again later.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please click “Source Device” to refresh device and check if the virtual machine has disconnected. If yes, please re-connect it. Note: If the virtual machine has been changed, you need to re-create the backup task.

2) Please check the disk mote of virtual machine. AOMEI Cyber Backup currently supports Dependent mode only.

3)If you are using the free ESXI, please check if you hasn’t enabled SSH service. If yes, please enable TSM-SSH under ESXI server’s Manage-->Service, and then try to do back up again.


Error code: 0x0000107e

Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine. It may be that the virtual machine is unable to operate. Please try again later.

Solution: Please check if your ESXI has disabled the snapshot function. You can try to check if you can manually create snapshots success for the virtual machine.


Error code: 0x0000107f

Failed to create virtual machine.

Solution: If you are restoring to the original location, it might be that the original location has been changed or hasn’t existed. Please select “Restore to new location” and manually select the target location to restore.

If you have selected “Restore to new location” and get the error, please click “Source Device” to refresh the ESXI and check if it has disconnected. Please re-connect the ESXI device and then retry restore operation.


Error code: 0x00001081

An abnormal interruption occurred during the process of backing up the virtual machine. Please try again later.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x00001084

The selected virtual machine does not exist. Please refresh the VMware ESXi and try again.

Solution: It may be caused by the original virtual machine has been modified or deleted; In this situation, the uuid is changed after the virtual machine is restored to its original location;

And, we recommend that you create a new task to back up these virtual machines again.


Error code: 0x00001093

Failed to back up the virtual machine. It may be that the backup target location is missing or unable to access. Please troubleshoot the problem and try again.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please check if the virtual machine that backed up hasn’t existed. If yes, the backup task is invalid. You might need to recreate backup task for new virtual machine.

2) Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again


Error code: 0x0000109c

Failed to create the virtual machine during restoration. It is recommended that you attempt to restore to a new virtual machine.

Solution: If you are restoring to the original location, it might be that the original location has been changed or hasn’t existed. Please select “Restore to new location” and manually select the target location to restore.


Error code: 0x000010ac

Failed to restore virtual machine due to an invalid connection. Please check the connection or try to restore to a new location.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x000010ae

Failed to back up the virtual machine. Backing up the free edition of ESXi requires SSH authentication. Please make sure SSH is enabled and try again.

Solution: Please check if the free ESXI hasn’t enabled SSH service. If yes, please enable TSM-SSH under ESXI server’s Manage-->Service, and then try to do back up again.


Error code: 0x000010b0

Unknow error

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x000010cd

The virtual machine disk is unable to access.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x000010d4

Failed to create the virtual machine during restoration. Please try again later.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x000010d5

Failed to back up the virtual machine. It may be that the backup target location is missing or unable to access.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please check if the virtual machine that backed up hasn’t existed. If yes, the backup task is invalid. You might need to recreate backup task for new virtual machine.

2) Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again


Error code: 0x000010d7

Invalid parameters. Please try again later.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Error code: 0x000010db

An abnormal interruption in the virtual machine disk connection. It may be caused by abnormal network. Please check if you can connect to the ESXi device.

Solution: It may be caused by abnormal network. Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again


Error code: 0x000010e2

An abnormal interruption in the virtual machine disk connection. It may be caused by abnormal network. Please check if you can connect to the ESXi device.

Solution: It may be caused by abnormal network. Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again


Error code: 0x000010e4

Failed to read data of virtual machine disk. It may be that virtual machine is lost or incorrect network connection.

Solution: It may be caused by abnormal network. Please ensure a smooth network connection between the ESXI server and the console server, and then try to back up again


Error code: 0x00001095

The configuration file for the restored virtual machine does not exist.

Solution: Please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software to check the error further.


Windows Backup/Restore Error Codes

Error code: 0x000020d2

Invalid parameter.

Solution: Please try to recreate the backup task to run again.


Error code: 0x000020d5

Failed to create file.

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please first check if ABCore.exe is prevented by your antivirus software on the client computer. You can run ABcore.exe (under the installation directory of AOMEI Cyber Backup Agent) as an administrator to check if it can run successfully. Or, antivirus software (such as Windows Defender) will prompt that the program is prevented (please allow it).

2) Please check if the destination path has "System" permission. If not, please add "System" permission for your destination path and retry. Right-click the destination location, and select "Properties"-"Security" tab to add "System" permission.

3) If the destination is a shared path, please also check if the number of users shared simultaneously in the shared folder has reached the limit. We suggest that you set the number of users shared simultaneously to 20(default).

4) If the destination is an external drive, please check if the external drive is disconnected or its' drive letter is changed when you do the backup. Please reconnect the external drive with the same drive letter as the target path of the backup task, then back up again.


Error code: 0x000020d7

Failed to write file

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please check if the destination location has enough free space to save the backup.

2) Please check if you have enough permission to read/write the destination location. You can check if you can copy files to the destination path via Windows.

3) Please check if the destination drive is damaged, such as bad sectors.

4) If you are backing to an external drive, please make sure that you hook your external disks up. And, if you are using a USB case to connect the target drive, please check if it is in good condition and has sufficient power supply.

5) If you are backing to a network path, please make sure that your network is stable and in good condition.

6) In addition, when you are doing the backup operation, we suggest that you close other threads that are accessing this destination.


Error code: 0x000020d9

Not enough memory to process this command

Solution: Please check the following items:

1) Please check if there is enough memory to run the backup.

2) If you are performing an incremental backup and there are too many incremental backup versions, please perform one full backup regularly, and then continue to do incremental backups based on the new full one.


Error code: 0x000020db

Element not found or the image file not found.

Solution: If you get the error message during the backup process, please reinstall the software and then rerun the backup.


Error code: 0x000020e6

Find no unused space to store temporary files.

Solution: This error occurs when you run a sector-by-sector backup of the disk and the computer only has this one disk. In this situation, AOMEI Cyber Backup will backup all sectors whether used or not, so there is no space to save temporary cache files, please change the backup mode to "Intelligent Mode", or you can connect another disk to the computer. Please change the backup mode to "Intelligent Mode" under Backup Options, or you can try to temporarily connect a USB drive so the program will save temporary cache files to another drive so that the backup will be finished successfully.


Error code: 0x000020e7

The source partition or volume can not be backed up sector by sector.

Solution: Generally, the error occurs when you use the sector-by-sector backup way to do system/partition/disk backup and you also select a backup source partition as the destination to save backup. Please select another location as the destination, or select "Intelligent Mode" under Backup Options. Note: when you back up Bitlocker encrypted partitions (uncrypted state) or no-NTFS/FAT32 partitions, AOMEI Cyber Backup will use the sector-by-sector backup way by default, even though you select "Intelligent Mode", in this case, please select another location as the destination to save backup.


Error code: 0x000020ea

Failed to get bitmap

Solution: Please reinstall the software and then recreate the backup to run. We suggest that you use sector-by-sector mode configured in the Backup Options. And, please use chkdsk /r command to check and fix the partitions you would like to back up before backing up them.


Error code: 0x000020eb

All partitions that need to be backed up have not been found.

Solution: When the source partitions have changed, for example, the starting sector, partition’s size, or/and some other physical configuration has been changed, the program can’t detect the same source with the record of the backup task, then you will get the error. Please try to recreate the backup task. Note: If all disks fail to be listed after you do an automatic update for AOMEI Cyber Backup and then cause the error, please try to reinstall AOMEI Cyber Backup manually.


Error code: 0x000020fc

The backup driver works improperly, you could restart the computer to solve the problem.

Solution: please check the following items on the client computer:

1) Please uninstall the agent program manually via the Control Panel, then reboot the computer to reinstall it.

2) Please select Start-->Settings-->Update&Security-->Windows Security to open Windows Security Center (or search and open Windows Defender). Then select “Virus&threat protection”, and click "Manage Settings" under Virus&threat protection settings to add the install directory of AOMEI Cyber Backup to exclusion. And, continue to click "Manage Ransomware Protection" under Ransomware Protection, then click “Allow an app through Controlled folder access” to add ABCore.exe of the install directory of AOMEI Cyber Backup as allowed apps.

Or, if you run any other antivirus software on the client computer, please try to add ABService.exe, BCore.exe and Backupper.exe to the white list of the antivirus software.

3) Please type into “cmd” at Start Menu, run Command Prompt as administrator to open Command Prompt window, then run “net start ambakdrv” to check if the drivers can be started.


Error code: 0x00002139

Exceeds the maximum 2TB partition size of the MBR disk.

Solution: When you restore from GPT to MBR disk, but the total size of the source partition exceeds 2TB space. However, MBR disk only supports 2TB of space. Please first convert the destination disk to GPT, and then perform the restore again.


Error code: 0x0000215f

The operation has been canceled.

Solution: Please try to manually run the backup task and check if it will require an interaction operation. When you don't respond to the interaction operation during a schedule backup, it will cancel the backup.


Error code: 0x000021be

The file record is invalid in MFT, please try to use chkdsk.exe in command prompt to fix and retry.

Solution: If you get the error when you do a restore, it is caused by the source partition having some File System error. Generally, if the source partition you backed up still exists, you need to use chkdsk /r to check and fix the source partitions and then recreate the backup. But, if the source partition doesn't exist, sorry that the backup can't be restored further. Ps. If it is a disk backup, you can try to restore partitions one by one.


Error code: 0x00002335

Failed to create storage.

Solution: Please rerun the backup to check again. If you still get the same error, please contact the support team and offer the log folder of client computer (generally, it is C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI Cyber Backup Agent\VolBackupCore\log) to check further.


SQL Backup/Restore Error Codes

Error code: 0x00001785

Sorry, the program does not support incremental backup if the database recovery mode is "Simple". Please set the database recovery mode to "Full" and try again.

Solution: Please try to open the SQL database, and then set the recovery mode to "Full" under the Database Properties-->Option, then retry backup.


Error code: 0x00001014

One user cannot connect to the server or shared resources using multiple user names

Solution: Please open Control Panel—Windows Credential on the console server (running AOMEI Cyber Backup), then locate the destination network path and delete the record from here. If you also mapped the network location to Windows Explorer, please also delete it. And then, please reboot the computer, then run AOMEI Cyber Backup to open Target Storage-->Network Storage to update the account credential for the network path, and retry backup.