How to Install and Uninstall AOMEI Cyber Backup

AOMEI Cyber Backup is a effective backup program for virtual machines VMware ESXi and Hyper-V. You can install and use the program in both Windows and Linux systems to backup your VMs. For more details to install the program in Windows, please follow the below steps and instructions.

How to Install and Log in AOMEI Cyber Backup in Windows

👉To install AOMEI Cyber Backup

1. Download and run the AOMEI Cyber Backup setup program ACB Setup.exe.

2. Click “I have read and agree to the license agreement”, and can browse the license agreement content.

3. Click “Advanced” to set HTTP port (default 5001), which is used to web communication. The installer will automatically open this port, please make sure that the port can pass through the firewall to receive or send requests.

4. Follow the next wizard installation guide to complete the installation.

👉To log in AOMEI CyBer Backup

After install the AOMEI Cyber Backup, you can run the software. Then it will open web login page console below. You can use AOMEI Cyber Backup account or Windows account to log in it.


👉AOMEI Cyber Backup account

It is the default admin account of AOMEI Cyber Backup. The default username and password are both “admin”. To ensure account security, you can change the password after first login. The account can create sub-accounts for other users and assign corresponding permission.

Tips: If the sub-accounts miss password, only the admin account can help to reset the password.

👉Windows account

It is sup-administrator account of this computer that installed AOMEI Cyber Backup. Other windows accounts temporarily can’t be supported.

How to Uninstall AOMEI Cyber Backup

The software can be uninstalled using one of the following two methods.

1. Go to the Start Menu -> AOMEI Cyber Backup -> Uninstall AOMEI Cyber Backup.

2. Or go to the Windows Control Panel -> Uninstall Program, right-click AOMEI Cyber Backup and uninstall it.

Tips: If you don't want to keep any software usage information on the current device, you can check the "Delete software settings" option, which can delete all custom settings in the software. But if you want to upgrade the software, please don’t select this option.