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How to Wipe Disk Completely with AOMEI Backupper

AOMEI Post By AOMEI Updated May 29, 2024

Disk wiping refers to the complete deletion or overwriting of data on a storage device to ensure that the data cannot be recovered. Here are some common scenarios where disk wiping is used:

Secure data disposal: Disk wiping is crucial when dealing with old storage devices such as hard disk drives, solid-state drives, or flash drives, to ensure that sensitive data does not fall into the wrong hands. This is especially important for businesses to comply with data protection regulations and safeguard customer privacy.

Device reallocation: When reallocating a storage device for use by someone else, it may be necessary to perform disk wiping to ensure that any previously stored data cannot be accessed by the new user. This applies to personal computers, servers, or mobile devices.

Backup device repurposing: Before repurposing a device used for data backups, it is advisable to perform disk wiping to prevent the backup data from being accessed by others. This is applicable to external hard drives, network storage devices, etc.

Electronic device recycling: When disposing of old electronic devices such as computers, phones, or tablets, disk wiping should be performed before recycling or disposal. This helps prevent personal information leakage and contributes to environmental protection.

Security testing and research: Disk wiping is also commonly used in security testing and research to assess the feasibility and success rate of data recovery techniques. This helps organizations understand the security of their data under different circumstances.

The tool "Disk Wipe" in AOMEI Backupper is a tool to help you wipe the disk to wipe data and remove the virus permanently. With this tool, you can easily erase data on a partition, unallocated space, and disk.

Execute Disk Wipe in Windows 10 step by step

Before you can wipe a disk, you need to back up the data on that disk to another disk. If you do not need to make a backup, double-check that the data on the disk is not needed.

Detailed steps about how to wipe a disk

1. Download AOMEI Backupper Professional and install it on your computer. Click "Tools" in the left tab, and then select the "Disk Wipe" tool under "Common Tools".

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Disk Wipe

2. After you click the "Disk Wipe" under "Tools", you will enter the page to Select Wiping Type. There are 2 types available to select: partitions or unallocated space and the entire disk. 

Wiping Type

Wipe Partitions or unallocated space on the disk:

After selecting this option, you will be able to delete the selected partition or unallocated space on the disk and wipe all its sectors. The data will not be restored after wiping.
Wipe Disk:

By selecting this option, you will be able to delete all partitions on the disk and wipe all its sectors. The data will not be restored after wiping.
After the selection is complete, click "Next" at the bottom right corner of the page to enter the page for selecting the data to be wiped.

3. Once you select the desired wiping type, you will enter the page of Select Wiping Data.

If you can select the "Wipe Partitions or unallocated space on the disk" option on the previous page, you can choose to wipe any partition or unallocated space of any disk on this page, and you can select multiple ones at the same time.

Wipe Data Partitions

Tip: Click the partition with the mouse and it will be selected. Click the same partition again to deselect the partition.
If you can select the "Wipe Disk" option on the previous page, you can choose to wipe any disk on this page, and you can choose multiple ones at the same time.

Wipe Data Disk

Tip: Click the disk with the mouse and it will be selected. Click the same disk again to uncheck the disk.
After the selection is complete, click "Next" at the bottom right corner of the page to enter the page for selecting the wiping method.

4. Then, you will enter the page of Select Wiping Method.
Please choose a method you want to wipe the selected data. There are four methods available that represent different degrees of overwriting, and the final wiping effect will be different. The more thorough the wipe is, the more difficult it will be to recover so that it is securer.

Fill sectors with Zero (Safe, Quick)
Fill sectors with random data (Safe, Quick)
DoD 52220.22-M (Very safe, Slow)
Gutmann (35 passes, Very Safe, Very Slow)

Wiping Method

After selecting the wiping method, click "Start" at the bottom right corner of the page to enter the wiping process page.

5. After the wipe process is started, you will enter the page of Wiping Process.
This page will show the progress of the wiping and specific information about the wiping process.

Wipe Process

Tip: You can click "Cancel" in the lower right corner to stop the wiping process.


  • The wiped data can no longer be restored. It is recommended to back up important data in advance.
  • The tool currently does not support wiping dynamic disks.
  • AOMEI Backupper is not a file-level wipe software but a sector-level one. So, you can only use AOMEI Backupper to wipe partition/disk. After a partition/disk has been wiped, all the files on it will be erased simultaneously. If you do need to wipe a specific file, then you have to download a file-level wipe software.
  • It is important to recognize that disk wiping does not guarantee 100% data irrecoverability. For highly sensitive data, stricter methods of data destruction, such as physical destruction or disk shredding, may be required.


Whether for data protection, privacy, or security reasons, disk wiping is an important task. However, it is essential to ensure that you have backed up any important data before performing disk wiping and carefully read and understand the relevant instructions to avoid accidental data deletion.


Q: Why is the data on the disk still there after wiping?


If data remains present after performing disk wiping, it could be due to several reasons:

  • Errors during the wiping process: It is possible that errors or failures occurred during the execution of the wiping software or tool, resulting in incomplete deletion or overwriting of the data. This could be due to software issues, hardware malfunctions, or incorrect operations.
  • Drive damage or bad sectors: If the disk drive itself has physical damage or bad sectors, the wiping process may not be able to completely overwrite all stored data. These damaged portions may allow the data to remain accessible.
  • Data backups or images: If there were data backups or images present before the disk wiping, even if wiping is performed, the original data can still be recovered from those backups or images.
  • Previously hidden partitions or files: Sometimes, data on the disk may exist within hidden partitions or files. The wiping process may not recognize or address these hidden portions, resulting in the data remaining intact.

If you find that data still persists after performing disk wiping, it is recommended to take the following steps:

  • Ensure you are following the correct wiping procedures and guidelines of AOMEI Backupper.
  • Check for physical damage or bad sectors on the disk drive. If this is the case, hardware repair or replacement may be necessary.
  • Verify if there are any data backups or images and ensure they are deleted or overwritten before performing the wiping process.

Q: Why is the disk not recognized?

A: Please check if the disk can be recognized in Windows Disk Manager, if not, it seems the disk is damaged. If it can be recognized by Windows Disk Manager, but can't be listed in AOMEI backupper, maybe the disk is an Advanced Format Disk and it can't be recognized by the AOMEI Backupper. so we suggest you check if the disk is an Advanced Format Disk. And you can follow the steps below to check it

1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd)

2. Enter the command: fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo :

3. In the output you will find the value for "Bytes Per Sector", which can be one of the following: 512 - for Legacy 512 native drives 4096 - for Advanced Format (AF) drives - if the hardware or driver does not support the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code If the issue persists, please follow this link to check more details 

Q: How many times does the disk need to be wiped?


The number of times a disk needs to be wiped depends on the specific data security requirements and the level of protection needed. In general, multiple passes of disk erasure were recommended in the past to ensure data sanitization. However, with advances in data recovery techniques, a single pass of disk wiping using a reliable method is typically considered sufficient for most purposes.

The widely recognized standard for disk wiping is the "DoD 5220.22-M" standard, which specifies three passes of overwriting patterns. However, it's important to note that this standard was created in 1995 and was primarily intended for older magnetic hard drives.

For modern storage technologies like solid-state drives (SSDs), traditional disk wiping methods may not be as effective due to wear leveling and other factors. SSDs often utilize built-in secure erase functions, such as ATA Secure Erase or cryptographic erase, which can effectively erase the entire drive. It's recommended to consult the manufacturer's documentation or specific guidelines for securely erasing SSDs.

Ultimately, the number of times a disk needs to be erased should align with the level of security required by your specific needs and any applicable regulations. It's important to follow best practices and use reputable disk wiping software or methods to ensure data is properly erased and protected.

Q: Why did the wipe operation fail?

A: There might be different reasons and error messages. If the disk wipe fails, please contact AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.