Installation and Login
Installation and Login

Install and Uninstall

AOMEI Post By AOMEI Updated June 25, 2024

To install AOMEI Backupper

Run the self-extracting AOMEI Backupper setup program BAKn.n.exe. When the popup window appears, click "Next" and follow the wizard installation guide. After the installation process has completed, you may be prompted to restart your computer to completely finish the installation.

To Uninstall AOMEI Backupper

Backupper can be uninstalled using one of the following 2 methods:

1. Go to Start Menu - >All Programs -> AOMEI Backupper -> Uninstall AOMEI Backupper


2. Go to Windows Control Panel ->Programs and Functions, and select AOMEI Backupper.


In some cases, the program might not be uninstalled normally. Or, the program always asks for a restart but fails to install. Then, you need to clean the registry of AOMEI Backupper. Once it is cleaned, the program will be uninstalled from your PC thoroughly.

Please follow the below steps to clean the registry of AOMEI Backupper:

Step 1: Please press Win+R to open the run box, and then type into "regedit" in the box to open the Registry.


Step 2: Copy and paste the following path to locate the following paths and delete them.

For 32 bit system:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AOMEI Backupper

For 64 bit system:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AOMEI Backupper




Delete Paths

Step 3: Locate the following path, and then delete the "amreboot" value.

For 32bit system:


For 64bit system:


Delete Amreboot

Step 4: Locate the following path, right-click "UpperFilters"-->"Modify"-->remove the "ambakdrv" value.


Remove Ambakdrv

After the registry is cleaned, the program will be removed from your PC completely.  If AOMEI Backupper folder still exists in the installation directory, please manually delete it (generally, it is under C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper).


  • When you uninstall the program, the uninstall survey window will pop up. This window is designed to investigate the reasons why users uninstall software so that we can improve and optimize our software. This windows does not collect user information. If you are reluctant to fill in a specific reason or suggestion, please directly click the "Continue Uninstalling" button.
  • To completely uninstall the software you my be prompted to restart your computer, which can be deferred until later if you wish.